На фото Кеннет Бинмор

Кеннет Бинмор

известный британский экономист, специалист в области теории игр
Дата рождения:

Консультационная деятельность

Наибольшую известность профессор К. Бинмор приобрёл после организации британского аукциона по продаже частот для сотовой связи (англ. UK 3G Spectrum Auction), принёсшего британскому правительству ?23 млрд.



  • Game Theory and the Social Contract:
  • (1977). Mathematical Analysis: A Straightforward Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • (1990). Essays on the Foundations of Game Theory. Basil Blackwell. A collection which includes Binmore's seminal papers “Modeling Rational Players I and II” from Economics and Philosophy, 1987.
  • (1980). Foundations of Analysis: Book 1: Logic, Sets and Numbers. Cambridge University Press.
  • (1980). Foundations of Analysis: Book 2: Topological Ideas. Cambridge University Press.
  • (1986). Economic Organizations As Games (co-edited with Partha Dasgupta). Basil Blackwell.
  • (1987). The Economics of Bargaining (co-edited with Partha Dasgupta). Basil Blackwell. A collection including many of Binmore's classic early papers on Nash bargaining theory.
  • (1991). Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory. D. C. Heath and Company.
  • (2009). Rational Decisions. Princeton University Press.
  • (2002). Calculus: Concepts and Methods (with Joan Davies). Cambridge University Press.
  • (2007). Playing for Real – A Text on Game Theory. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • (2005). Natural Justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • (2008). Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • (2007). Does Game Theory Work? The Bargaining Challenge. MIT Press.

Избранные статьи

  • K. Binmore and P. Klemperer, "The Biggest Auction Ever: The Sale of the British 3G Telecom Licences," Economic Journal, 112, 2002.
  • K. Binmore, "Perfect Equilibria in Bargaining Models," in K. Binmore and P. Dasgupta, editors, The Economics of Bargaining, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987.
  • K. Binmore and L. Samuelson, "The Evolution of Focal Points," Games and Economic Behavior, 55, 2006.
  • K. Binmore, J. McCarthy, G. Ponti, A. Shaked and L. Samuelson, "A Backward Induction Experiment," Journal of Economic Theory, 104, 2002.
  • K. Binmore, “Rationality and Backward Induction,” Journal of Economic Methodology, 4, 1997.
  • K. Binmore and L. Samuelson, "Evolutionary Stability in Repeated Games Played by Finite Automata," Journal of Economic Theory, 57, 1992.
  • K.Binmore and A. Shaked, "Experimental Economics: Where Next?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009.
  • K. Binmore, “Modeling Rational Players I and II,” Economics and Philosophy, 1987.
  • K. Binmore, J. Gale, and L. Samuelson, "Learning to be Imperfect: The Ultimatum Game," Games and Economic Behavior, 8, 1995.
  • K. Binmore, A. Shaked and J. Sutton, “An Outside Option Experiment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1989.
  • K. Binmore and L. Samuelson, "Muddling Through: Noisy Equilibrium Selection," Journal of Economic Theory, 74, 1997.
  • K. Binmore, A. Rubinstein and A. Wolinsky, “The Nash Bargaining Solution in Economic Modeling,” Rand Journal of Economics, 1986.
  • K. Binmore, "Debayesing Game Theory," in B. Skyrms, editor, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Game Theory: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and the Philosophy of Science, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992.