На фото Дерек Уолкотт

Дерек Уолкотт

поэт и драматург, уроженец Сент-Люсии
Дата рождения:



  • 1962 In a Green Night: Poems 1948–60
  • 2004 The Prodigal
  • 1981 The Fortunate Traveller
  • 1976 Sea Grapes
  • 1981 Selected Poetry
  • 1973 Another Life
  • 1997 The Bounty
  • 1949 Epitaph for the Young: Xll Cantos
  • 1987 The Arkansas Testament
  • 1964 Selected Poems
  • 2010 The White Egrets
  • 1986 Collected Poems, 1948-1984
  • 1965 The Castaway and Other Poems
  • 1948 25 Poems
  • 2007 Selected Poems (Edited, selected, and with an introduction by Edward Baugh)
  • 1951 Poems
  • 1969 The Gulf and Other Poems
  • 1984 Midsummer
  • 1990 Омерос (англ. Omeros)
  • 1983 The Caribbean Poetry of Derek Walcott and the Art of Romare Bearden
  • 2000 Tiepolo's Hound
  • 1979 The Star-Apple Kingdom


  • (1958) Drums and Colours: An Epic Drama
  • (1954) The Sea at Dauphin: A Play in One Act
  • (1982) The Isle Is Full of Noises
  • (1997) The Capeman (lyrics, in collaboration with Paul Simon)
  • (1993) Odyssey: A Stage Version
  • (1976) O Baby!
  • (1967) Dream on Monkey Mountain
  • (1951) Harry Dernier: A Play for Radio Production
  • (1966) Malcochon: or, Six in the Rain
  • (1991) Steel
  • (1950) Henri Christophe: A Chronicle in Seven Scenes
  • (1974) The Charlatan
  • (1970) In a Fine Castle
  • (1980) The Joker of Seville and O Babylon!: Two Plays
  • (1986) Three Plays (The Last Carnival, Beef, No Chicken, and A Branch of the Blue Nile)
  • (1958) Ti-Jean and His Brothers
  • (1974) The Joker of Seville
  • (1978) Pantomime
  • (1977) Remembrance
  • (1957) Ione
  • (1953) Wine of the Country


  • 1998 What the Twilight Says. Essays