На фото Джон Лютер Адамс

Джон Лютер Адамс

американский композитор
Дата рождения:


В юности увлекался рок-музыкой, через Фрэнка Заппу открыл Эдгара Вареза, затем — Джона Кейджа, а ещё позднее — Мортона Фелдмана. Окончил Калифорнийскую художественную школу. В 1975, работая в обществах по охране окружающей среды, приехал на Аляску, ставшую для него затем постоянным источником творчества.

Характеристика творчества

Пережив и усвоив опыт минимализма, сосредоточившись на проблеме статического в музыке, Д. Л. А. развивает медитативный музыкальный язык, связанный с музыкальным воплощением места, «звуковой географией» необжитых пространств, близких к территориям воображения и потому наполненных высоким смыслом, близким к сакральному.


  • Green Corn Dance (1974) for percussion ensemble
  • Night Peace (1976) for antiphonal choirs, solo soprano, harp, and percussion songbirdsongs (1974-80) for 2 piccolos and 3 percussion
  • Strange Birds Passing (1983) for flute choir up into the silence (1978/84) (poem by E.E.Cummings) for voice and piano
  • How the Sun Came to the Forest (1984) (poem by John Haines) for chorus and alto flute, English horn, percussion, harp, and strings
  • The Far Country of Sleep (1988) for orchestra, in the memory of the late Morton Feldman
  • Giving Birth to Thunder, Sleeping With His Daughter, Coyote Builds North America (1986-90) for theater magic song for one who wishes to live and the dead who climb up to the sky (1990) for voice and piano
  • Dream in White On White (1992) for orchestra
  • Earth and the Great Weather (1990-93) for theater, libretto published in the book "Inukshuk" edited by ARBOS - Company for Music & Theater, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-85266-126-9
  • Five Yup’ik Dances (1991-94) for solo harp
  • Crow and Weasel (1993-94) (story by Barry Lopez) for theater
  • Sauyatugvik: The Time of Drumming (1995) for orchestra
  • Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing (1991-95) for orchestra
  • Five Athabascan Dances (1992/96) for harp and percussion
  • Strange and Sacred Noise (1991-97) for percussion quartet
  • Make Prayers to the Raven (1996/98) flute, violin, harp, cello, and percussion
  • In the White Silence (1998) for orchestra
  • Qilyaun (1998) for four bass drums
  • Time Undisturbed (1999) for japaneses instruments
  • In a Treeless Place, Only Snow (1999) for celesta, harp, 2 vibraphones, and string quartet
  • The Light That Fills the World (1999—2000) for orchestra
  • Among Red Mountains (2001) for solo piano
  • The Immeasurable Space of Tones (1998—2001) for violin, vibraphone, piano, sustaining keyboard, contrabass instrument
  • The Farthest Place (2001) for violin, vibraphone, marimba, piano, double bass
  • After the Light (2001) for alto flute, vibraphone, harp
  • Dark Wind (2001) for bass clarinet, vibraphone, marimba, piano
  • Red Arc / Blue Veil (2002) for piano, mallet percussion and processed sounds
  • The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies (2002) for solo percussion and processed sounds
  • Poem of the Forgotten (2004) (poem by John Haines) for voice and piano
  • For Lou Harrison (2004, premiere 2005) for string quartet, string orchestra, and 2 pianos
  • Dark Waves для оркестра и электроники (2007)
  • Sky with Four Suns and Sky with Four Moons для четырёх хоров (2008)
  • the place we began для электроакустики (2008)
  • Inuksuit для перкуссий (2009)


  • Winter music: Composing the North. Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 2004.

